Thursday 15 May 2014

The Italian Escapades

From the diary of British Naval Attache, Italian Embassy, Summer 1915

I've come from yet another meeting with our Italian friends. We had to promise a great deal to bring them into this war, in hopes opening yet another front will be the death of Austria-Hungary.

But Italians are worthless! They promised us 4 great armies to strike at the mountain fortresses, yet they were poorly equipped and still understrength when they made their Declaration of War! Damn them to the deepest pits of Hell for lying to us! We should've pushed our luck in the sands of Egypt, not throw our lot behind the worthless Italians.

And damn the French too! I've just heard some idiotic general boasted to his mistress about the Italians. She must've worked for Germans, because Hotzendorf was ready, waiting like a hawk. As soon as the declaration was presented in Vienna, Borojevic was upon the Italians. They were broken within days! At least we managed to convince them to pull back, even if it meant losing Venice. Finally they stood and counterattacked the advancing Austro-Hungarians, halting their advance. Still, their position is precarious. Already we are sending ammo and supplies that could be used elsewhere, yet I fear we will need to send our troops as well.

Yet W.C. back home has persuaded them to go for the throat of the Ottomans. A landing at Gallipolli? Pointless adventure! That cannot get anywhere, and yet he wastes our troops with the Bosche holding so much Belgium and France. At least the French stoically hold and will not give an inch.

The Russians are an enigma, as always. They regularly put out offensives, striking at the Austrians viciously, but they've been asking us to help with supplies if possible. They pushed the Hungarians back into the Carpathians, but then the urgent German help stabilised the lines long enough to dig in and resist all further attacks from the bear. There has also been some rumours of internal problems; the Tzar has claimed more armies are to be fielded, yet they do not come. I do hope soon they will put them in field; the AH threat there is growing by the week.

Now I must go; the Italian king has another ball organised; what waste. But he claims it helps the morale - I really do hope he knows what he is doing.

Wednesday 14 May 2014

Dispatches from the Front, Summer 1915

Spies, Poor Weather, Worse Troops.

That is the summary of our current situation. Through our carefully placed agent Mari Hari we were able to gain some intelligence of the operational capacity of our foe. Regrettably, the capture and execution of our agent, combined with their own Cloak and Dagger tactics have prevented any large breakouts. Continuing poor weather and entrenched position have favoured no one as slow parries and thrusts across both fronts leave naught but dead soldiers with no tangible gains.

As the stalemate in the West continues the only hope for a victory seems to lie with the Austro-Hungarians. However, I can barely spare the men to shore up their weak units: I am too committed to containing the French and the politicians in Berlin won't release the 11th army for combat service. I do what I can to help, but they are mostly on their own. The absolute inadequacies of the Italians have allowed for an impressive march to Venice. However, the AH overreached and allowed themselves to be depleted and driven back. There is still hope of success and the eventual capture of Rome but it may come too late. As the war escalates the French or British may finally commit more units to save the Italians from themselves and reverse what little progress we've made.

Indeed, the only ray of light so far this dismal Summer has been the lack of activity in the Near East. The Russian Bear remains sleeping and the British are content in their colonies. German intelligence indicates that this may soon change: a large British force was seen massing and loading onto boats. An amphibious assault would be completely foolhardy but if the Turks are slow to mobilize the British gambit may just work.

Sigh, I am beginning to really distrust German intelligence and Berlin in general. How can I fight a war with no armies? It doesn't matter if I have better guns if I don't have enough bullets! If more troops do not materialize soon, I fear my armies will be drowned in blood as the Allies fully mobilize their fighting force.

1916 is shaping up to be another miserable, long year. Another season of mud and blood...

Field Marshal Charlie K.
Chief of the German General Staff
Personal Diary

Tuesday 6 May 2014

West of Rhein

August 12th 1914

General Joffre sent me to find the damned Brits. The German strike into Belgium had thrown them back and we lost communications with them. But I found them and there is good news; they have retreated in good order. The Germans did not follow; they must fear our 5th Army.

I confess, I do not understand his plan; the German 3rd Army was mauled by the 5th, yet he retreats them and leaves Sedan open for taking? I wonder if he is planning to entrap them... I do know he is under a lot of pressure from Paris to attack the Germans. Despite their pressure, he resists - our armies are not as ready as the Germans for this fight. But they will be.

The Russians haasv..

Stupid driver, he seems to play a game where he tries to hit every pothole on the way back. As I was saying, our Russian allies seem to have confidence. They claim to have caught the German 8th army in an open position. I don't know what to make of this; it sounds too good to be believed. Despite this, they plan to mass their forces against Austro-Hungarian forces. They have started a propaganda war, sowing dissension and distrust in the Austro-Hungarian ranks by emphasising the brotherhood of the Slavs and denouncing the Germanic oppression. I wonder how successful they will be...

In the mean time, xxx--- Damn that driver, told him to watch where he goes. I wonder if he fears a storm? Thunder has been following us for awhile now. All the weather forecasts I saw agreed we have few weeks of good weather, important if we are to attack.

In any case, w

Recovered diary of a French Staff Officer, name withheld. The diary has been found with the pieces of a staff car; a direct artillery hit seems to have cut the car in half.

Monday 5 May 2014

Dispatches from the Front

August, 1914

German armies are poised to carry out the Schlieffen Plan in the West while the Austro-Hungarians position to begin attacks against Serbian forces. However, a reluctance my political masters to escalate the war is hampering the plans of my Generals. Until there are no other choices, attacks against the Russians and the Channel ports by German units are strictly forbidden. Though mighty in the field, this political interference may prove crippling in the opening days of the War for my armies.

Against my advice, the dogs in Vienna have ordered the Austro-Hungarians to strike against someone, anyone to display their might. Their bloodlust started this conflict by failing to appreciate Russia's agreements with Serbia. Now it is only a matter of time before they use the treaties they signed with us to compel our armies to rescue them.What, pray tell, have we gotten ourselves into?

An indecisive German opening leaves much to be desired as Allied armies begin to mobilize. From now until the War's conclusion, there will be naught but blood and mud for my men...

Field Marshal Charlie K.
Chief of the German General Staff
Personal Diary


The First World War, the War to End All Wars, was a titanic struggle that tore Europe apart. WWI left almost no place on Earth untouched and set forces in motion that are still felt more than a century later.

On June 28th, 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of ramshackle Austria-Hungary, and his wife Duchess Sophie were visiting Sarajevo, the capital of the newest province of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, the visit was to prove fatal - not only for the Archduke and his wife, but for the millions who would die in crisis and commotion that followed. Future historians would term the bullet fired by Serbian nationalist Gravrilo Princip the "spark that lit the tinderbox of Europe".

As news of the assassination broke, the hawks descended on all of Europe's capitals. Arguments for a short, victorious war to improve national prestige and gain access to new resources won out over the pleas of elder statesmen who could see the oncoming disaster. Everyone presumed victory for themselves and all agreed it would be a short struggle.

Ultimatums flew, mobilizations began, and soon the war was unstoppable, ending with a clash of giants which would leave the British Empire deeply wounded, France bled white, Germany broken and Russia in the clutches of merciless civil war. Austria Hungary would end up dismembered and the United States of America would arrive late and claim the spoils of victory.

In this mess come we, two avid boardgamers who will take charge of the two opposing sides and try to guide them to victory.

The players of games:

Leader of the Central Powers will be Charlie, who favours the careful and defensive style of the Allied Powers. This may seem passive at times but is often deadly in the long run. He comes from the frigid wastes that is Canada, and loves to assault the Ottomans in the Near East. Playing for the Central Powers will be a special challenge as a more aggressive play style is necessary for victory.

Goran, also known as Nemo, will lead the Allied Powers in this game. He comes from the desperation and depression that is modern Croatia. He prefers defensive play punctuated by furious and relentless offensives. Although he often makes great advances, his lack of attention to detail is in stark contrast to his opponent and cost him many last minute reversals. Although not as familiar with the Allies, Goran's talent for strategic should fit nicely with the allied play style.

We are not perfect players, and on occasion we are known to make some bad moves. However, this is a friendly game and it's all about fun, so that's fine.

The game itself:

Paths of Glory is a boardgame from GMT games, set in the First World War. This is a card driven game. Each player draws from  a unique deck of cards which they use to drive the game by playing them in four different ways. The events described on the card can be realized, operation points (OPS) can be spent to move and attack with armies, Strategic Redeployment (SR) points utilized to quickly move troops and Replacement Points (RP) to replace losses. Victory is achieved by capturing key areas on the strategic map and through some specific events.

The strategic map is the centerpiece of the game with victory often determined by the judicious use of available forces. The Germans are the most powerful force on the battlefield, their scary armies only matched by the few armies the late Americans provide to Allies. However, the might of the German war-machine is challenged by the sheer scope of their responsibilities. The Western front is staffed by the indomitable British and the courageous French in a defensive tactic often described as the wall of bodies. At the same time, the Russians possess large numbers of troops that threaten the Prussian heartland and often hard press the crumbling Austro-Hungarian forces, who also have the responsibility of attacking the Serbs and, in later stages, containing the Italians. Into this mix the Ottomans arrive, brave but outmatched by the number of Russians and the strength of the British facing them.

The game, through events on the cards, provides for recreating the events of the real First World War - such as the overthrowing of the Russian Tsar or sinking of Lusitania. However, the cards only cover the events that did happened rather than those that might have happened.

For more information see:
GMT Games:

The details of play:

We will be using the 2010 copy of rules, available at: . We will use the Optional Historical Scenario as described under the section 5.7. All of the optional cards from the player guide will also be used.

The game itself is run using the Paths of Glory Vassal module, version 7.2 with minor fixes made by ourselves.